Titanfall 2 available on Origin Access & EA Access

Electronic Arts announced last month that its first-person shooters Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 would be coming to The Vault via its subscription service EA Access and Origin Access. The first of these two, the excellent Titanfall 2, is now available on EA Access and Origin Access. Battlefield 1 remains conspicuous by its absence but it should be following soon after.


Titanfall 2’s arrival onto EA Access follows on from the recent update which added a fun co-operative horde mode called Frontier Defense, where the player and their team has to defend a harvester against oncoming waves of enemies, and more maps. Featuring one of the best single-player first-person campaigns in 2016, Titanfall 2 is an excellent if often underappreciated title, at least in sales terms. Since its release Titanfall 2 has been the recipient of a steady stream of free DLC content and map packs, with the only paid content being cosmetic add-ons.

For access to Titanfall 2, a paid subscription to EA Access or Origin Access is required, a membership grants access to pre-release trials of games (most recently Mass Effect: Andromeda), a 10% discount on EA digital purchases, as well as full-game downloads from the The Vault. It costs 5.28$ per month, or 26.45$ for the year.

Buy Titanfall 2 from here : Origing2a

Titanfall 2 available now for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
